Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Death To Life

Consider this, what is death?
Is death simply the end of mortal man when his earthly body ceases to function? Can death bring peace to a decaying body or is death but a cruel end to the struggle to live on?

Perhaps death can be seen as one who is approaching the finish line of life. For some it is a quick sprint and for others it is a long endurance race but at the end of the race we all cross that same finish line. How is it that man can race towards the finish line knowing that death awaits him? All that this life had to offer him lies between conception and death.

For some, death will be their final finish line. But for those who choose life, death is just simply an end to the race we call life. The saints will rest, awaiting the day when their spirits will arise to put on a garment of immortality.

For the saints death has no more victory, for what was once decaying is now everlasting. So run your race well, and know that your creator will decide where he will lay your final finishing line called death. 

For those who have run the race may your sleep be peaceful until the day the trumpet sounds, and the voice of the mighty one calls each to receive his crown. Arise my good and faithful servant the day of your victory has come!

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